
Corsa is not supported anymore. Read more about that

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Corsa theme WON’T be updated and supported anymore. The main reason is that Corsa is not profitable. We (UpSolution team) recommend you to migrate your website from Corsa to Impreza.

Why would I migrate my website to Impreza theme?

  • We won’t fix any further Corsa issues and bugs including security vulnerabilities
  • You won’t be able to create support tickets and receive help for Corsa
  • Your website will look the same on Impreza theme with minor differences
  • You can use dozens of great Impreza features and functionality, which are not presented in Corsa
  • Impreza is our flagship theme and we are focused on its constant improving
  • Migration process is very convenient and easy, read below

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Corsa is not supported anymore. Read more about that

Corsa theme WON’T be updated and supported anymore. The main reason is that Corsa is not profitable. We (UpSolution team) recommend you to migrate your website from Corsa to…